
Enough Already!

I'm not huge on politics, and I don't typically discuss my personal political views with others unless otherwise prompted. I'm a little old fashioned, I guess, or maybe I just don't like imposing my beliefs on other people. Everyone has a right to believe what they believe. Okay, on to the point of this blog. Its on the political side, but doesn't really have to do with my 'beliefs' per-say. Its more about mail. Have you ever noticed that around election time your junk mail seems to skyrocket? In the last week, I have received something in the mail from Fran Florez or Danny Gilmore. They are both in the running for California State Assembly. I see about 5 commercials a day from them, each. My point is, when is enough, enough? I mean, here you have two people that are fighting for a position and they have all of these ideas and beliefs and are supporters of so many different things. I have only received a couple of things in the mail that were only about them and their candidacy. Everything else is just a bashing to the other. Politicians tend to play dirty when the rough gets going, and that kind of irks me. At the same time, it doesn't do anything except remind me that politicians are like the majority of us Americans. We have feelings, we get emotional and when someone says something mean or ugly, we usually backlash with the same. They are no different from you and I in that sense. They are spending thousands upon thousands of dollars that have been donated or raised for their campaign. Both of them have talked about the environment, yet they are both wasting more trees and creating more pollution in creating all of these ads that get sent in the mail. Here they are spending all of this money to convince people to vote for them. Honestly, I feel like the money could be better spent. Yeah, sure there are bylaws and fine print about all of their money, but whatever, its all black and white. I'm sick of getting junk mail from them. My mailbox is clogged full of their ads and personal attacks of each other. I'm also sick of getting political phone calls. I don't care if it is a prerecorded message from the president encouraging me to vote. I vote every year. I feel like it is my duty not to mention my right to vote. If I want there to be a change, I can't be mad if I didn't vote. Oh and enough with the surveys! You aren't getting a 'yay' or 'nay' from me! I'll tell you I'm undecided even if I already voted. Just wait until the votes are tallied and stop trying to count your chickens before they hatch! So, just let me be. I've already decided who I am voting for, and your oodles of paper ads, commercials and annoying phone calls are doing nothing more than just annoying me! Stop clogging up my mailbox and stop calling my home! I've voted. End of discussion!

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