
Who's Business is it Really?

Okay, so the topic on my brain right now is about Nadya Suleman. This woman has suddenly rocketed into the nation's radar since giving birth to her eight babies. When it first happened and the family asked that they have their privacy, I thought, seriously, leave the family alone. They are probably overwhelmed as it is. Then more and more information started becoming available about her online, the radio, the news and most recently on Dr. Phil. I totally get that this woman really wanted to have children and all that, so she went through with In-vitro fertilization. Its her business. Part of me really feels that this poor woman is getting a lot of flack for her decision. We all make poor decisions from time to time, so cut the lady a break, right? Well, I also didn't know that she was on welfare and food stamps to help take care of her previous 6 children at home. I guess I'm a little baffled to know that a woman who can spend $100,000 on multiple procedures to get pregnant can also apply and qualify for welfare. Doesn't that seem a little odd to you? Part of me is angered by her decision to have 14 babies when she can't support them on her own, but the other part of me feels sympathetic towards her. She says she is still planning on continuing her education to get a masters degree, so that's good. She has a plan for the future, and hopefully she will be able to financially support her 14 kids without government help. Not many people would go through with a selective reduction, so I sort of can't blame her there. I mean, who wants to kill off one of their offspring? It feels inhumane. So, now that she is everywhere, everyone is talking about her actions and the fact that us taxpayers here in California are going to possibly have to foot the bill (literally) for her premature babies' hospital stay. On one hand, I'm angered, but on the other hand I'm not. Its a tough situation and I'm sort of having a hard time deciding which side of the fence I stand on. I say, leave the poor woman alone and let her take care of her family. She didn't intend on having 8 babies at once. It wasn't her plan, but I do think she should have been prepared. At least that.

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